Rejection and Redemption
Recently, I’ve been pondering the human emotion of rejection.
What great lengths we as humans go to avoid it at all costs.
We all know what it feels like. You may want to run away, your heart beats quickly, maybe your face gets red, you instantly regret doing that which caused such an emotion. We may even regret letting our guard down by being vulnerable and to seemingly allow others to push us away.
Here during Holy Week, I can’t help but entertain the fact that Jesus felt and embodied this emotion to its highest degree.
The Son of God, who came and taught us love, who called us out of darkness into His own wonderful Light, who called forth 12 friends of whom one betrayed him and all but one were to stay with Him in the passing from life to death. He who was stripped, mocked, ridiculed and tortured.
He saw this rejection as worth it. If being rejected by the important of the world meant that He could have you and I in Heaven for all of eternity, He seemed to say with every breath, “bring it.”
What does this example show us?
If we are called to rejection for the sake of Christ, He too offers us His redemption. We may not see it in this life but perhaps in the next.
Rejection is simply a vibration in our bodies that cannot hurt us. Our brain tells us that we will die if we experience it and must avoid it at all costs.
But what if we were unafraid of feeling this?
What if we stepped out and did that thing God was asking us to do fearlessly?
I feel like I am open to entering into that rejection far more now that I ever have because of what God is asking of me.
When I feel and experience it, I simply lean into my Christ and know that it isn’t for naught.
I invite you to live fearlessly for Him.
Live in your redemption now and consider who you are and who God is inviting you to become.