I am to Rest in You
Life is busy.
It’s interesting that we say this in our society and it is perceived as a virtue.
I can’t say that we don’t have a lot going on: gardening, I stay home with our boys, building a new business, visits to my parents, preparing for our 3rd baby.
Last night I couldn’t help but feel a little overwhelmed and saddened while comparing the beginning of my relationship with my husband in Taiwan to how it is today.
Of course, I love my husband a million times more but couldn’t help but grieve the fact of how different the “feeling” is.
How we are now responsible for creating this Domestic Church, feeding, clothing, supporting, nourishing our souls and the souls of our little ones.
I came to him with this and he said something that stopped me in my tracks, “God gave you to me; I am to rest in you.”
I realized how little rest in one another we were actually having. Spare moments are filled with doing and not with being.
I look back and see how we used to simply “be” with one another: going on long walks, reading, sharing our thoughts, and how a piece of this has been lost. This essential piece of rest.
Reflecting on my husband’s words this morning, I can’t help but think of the verse, “Don’t labor for that which does not satisfy.” I choose so many distractions and chores that are unnecessary and leave me listless. I’m invited to revisit the goals of my life, my day.
I can do all of the things required of me, and be in a state of rest.
I can say no to distractions when I am with my Beloved and enter in to the gift that God has given me.
Let’s not exult in the busy, hectic. Let’s rest in the present moment, wherever it has us. For there we behold the Will of God and His perfect Love for us.