Drowning in motherhood? Here’s your life ring!
Hi, I’m Sarah, and I help sustain Mothers in their vocation.
Are you steeped in overwhelm and anxiety in your vocation as mother?
Are you constantly telling yourself that you didn’t sign up for this?
Do you believe you only exist for your husband and children?
Hi, I’m Sarah, and I help Catholic moms find peace.
Peace with yourself. Peace with your body. Peace in your relationships.
Sound good? Let’s talk!
This is the Life of Sustenance- discovering that which can nourish and sustain you as you love and care for those whom God has given you.
You are constantly comparing yourself to other moms. You feel like you are never enough, never getting ahead, just steeped in stress and overwhelm and longing for a break.
The solution is so simple mama, yet it is hidden from most.
You have a beautiful mind that can either help or hurt you. No-one has taught you how to use it for your good and that of your family, that’s where I come in.
I’m a life coach.
We have human brains that can sometimes get us into trouble. They think that if we feel a certain emotion, we will die. This keeps us comfortable, it prevents us from taking risks, and our dreams fizzle.
I show you how to manage your thoughts to get the results you want and how to fully embrace any and every emotion. When we step into this space, we realize just how possible the impossible becomes that it seems like a miracle.
But it’s not a miracle. God is good and He gave us powerful brains so we can do incredible things. Once we click a few things into place it’s easy to have peace and it’s easy to succeed.
I show you how to manage your brain when the craziest things happen so that you don’t have to yell or lash out at your children. I teach you how to be in control of your thoughts and actions and parent from a space of peace and calm.
So many thoughts and habits hold back mothers from living their calling. Life Coaching gets to the “root” of these thoughts and habits. From there, we build new beliefs based on God’s truth to help you to live in the freedom only God can give.
Our God is a God of abundance, and I feel there’s nothing that breaks his heart more than watching mothers, the bearers and nourishers of life itself, live in scarcity and fear. Fear of failure, fear of discomfort, fear of what others think. I help you feel all of your emotions fearlessly so that you can become the holy, amazing woman and mother you always knew existed.
Curious? Let’s talk about your goals and I’ll show you what’s holding you back.
Not sure about life coaching?
I’m a deeply Catholic woman, and life coaching changed my life, especially the way I see myself as daughter, wife and mother. The tools I learned and that I now teach my clients are insanely powerful. You know how the Bible says we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us? Now I know what that means and how to live like that.
I show you how to take full control over your life, not the outside, that’s God’s business but how YOU show up to whatever God brings your way.
It feels like peace.
It feels empowering.
It feels like striving for sainthood.
Your brain has everything you need to achieve the desires of your heart. I know because I know that God put those desires there. All you need to do is learn how to manage your human brain. It’s very simple.
You will benefit from coaching if you answer yes to any of the following questions:
-Do you find yourself resenting your vocation as a mother?
-Do you believe that your children’s behavior is tied to your identity?
-Have you spent so much time and energy accommodating the needs of others that you feel you’ve forgotten who you are?
-Are you tired of feeling guilty?
-Do you keep telling yourself that there’s not enough time?
-Are you tired of constantly judging and being critical of yourself and everyone around you?
-Are you burdened by all of the tasks that come with your vocation?
-Do you simply want to feel good in your own skin with all of your blessings and imperfections?
-Do you want to feel like an amazing wife/mother/daughter?
-Do you want to fully embrace and live the life God is calling you to?
-Do you want to thrive instead of survive?
-Do you want to stop yelling at your children?
-Are you tired of resenting your husband for going to work while you are a stay-at-home mom?
-Do you want to discover better ways to manage your time?
Why am I your coach?
I LOVE working with Catholic Moms to help them realize their full potential through mindset work. I bring prayer into all of our sessions. We work together with the Holy Spirit to figure out what is blocking you from achieving your goals.
I’m the perfect guide for you because I have been in that desperate and dark place and I know what it’s like to seek answers and feel frustrated and overwhelmed.
I will show you not only the practical steps and the mindset tools to find success in your vocation… I’ll show you how to make it simple and fun! Really.
I love watching my clients health and minds become healed and whole through this work.
Make the changes you’ve been wanting to make!
Schedule a discovery call to see if coaching with me is a good fit for you.